Magnetic Resonance Center


电子游戏软件(BC)的磁共振中心(MRC)维护着三台瓦里安/安捷伦和两台布鲁克AVANCE NEO核磁共振光谱仪. The Varian/Agilent systems are at 400, 500 and 600 MHz with room temperature probes, while the two Bruker systems are at 500 MHz, and are equipped with helium and Prodigy CryoProbes. The Bruker instruments, which are the latest additions to the MRC, were funded by external grants from the NIH-S10 and NSF-MRI programs. In addition to the NMR spectrometers, MRC还维护了布鲁克EMX-Plus EPR系统,该系统具有无低温可变温度(VT)设置, as well as an ESR 5000 bench-top EPR spectrometer.

MRC提供的仪器允许NMR用户观察大多数自旋活性核,并执行几乎所有最先进的技术, multi-dimensional solution-state NMR experiments. Similarly, 任何所需的x波段EPR实验也可以在环境和低温设置下进行, with MRC staff supervision. In addition to supporting the wide range of research programs of the BC faculty, these spectrometers are also used for teaching and outreach programs. The iLab Core Facility Management software is used for all reservation purposes, thereby ensuring the most efficient use of the facility’s resources.

In addition to the instrumentation and expertise of the MRC staff for consultations, 所有设施用户都可以免费使用Mestrenova软件进行数据处理, 将文件安全和无缝地传输到BC网络内的任何个人设备后,可以使用哪些技术. Users may also store data on the spectrometer computers; this data is backed up by the IT specialists at BC, who are always available to troubleshoot and resolve any technological issues.

请注意,在BC核心设施和充电中心进行的所有工作都应该得到适当的认可.  If you are publishing or presenting data acquired in BC core facilities and recharge centers, 请在您的手稿/海报/报告的致谢部分包括以下声明, "The authors would like to thank the Boston College for assistance with the work presented in this paper/poster/presentation*."
* Delete as appropriate


Manufactured by Varian NMR Inc. and including a 14.1 Tesla 54 mm bore Varian Premium Shielded long-hold magnet, the spectrometer is driven by a Dell OptiPlex 9010 computer running Linux Centos 6.10 and Agilent VJ 4.2 software. The 4-channel spectrometer (2 HB, LB and 2 LB) is equipped with a z-axis Performa IV pulsed field gradient, direct-drive architecture, ProTune automated tune and match for high and low-band probe channels, and variable temperature control.

该光谱仪具有600 MHz 1H- 19f /15N- 31p PFG AutoX DB NB探头和600 MHz 1H{13C/15N} 5mm PFG自动化三共振探头.


Manufactured by Varian NMR Inc. and including a 11.7 Tesla 54 mm bore Varian Premium Shielded long-hold magnet, the spectrometer is driven by a Dell OptiPlex 9010 computer running Linux Centos 6.10 and Agilent VJ 4.2 software. The dual channel spectrometer is equipped with a z-axis Performa IV pulsed field gradient, direct-drive architecture, ProTune automated tune and match for high and low-band probe channels, and variable temperature control.

The spectrometer has a 500 MHz1H-19F/15N-31P OneNMR PFG probe.


Manufactured by Bruker Inc., AVANCE NEO 500 MHz光谱仪是由美国国家科学基金会主要电子游戏正规平台仪器(NSF-MRI)项目资助的. The probe used on this system is an X nuclei optimized 5 mm double resonance BBO H&F CryoProbe Prodigy, 设计用于1H或19F解耦的x核探测(反之亦然,用于1H或19F观测). 随附的氮气VT气体分离器和气体膜空气干燥器允许用户在-40°C的低温下轻松运行简单的实验. Apart from research activities, 该仪器还将专门用于由美国国家科学基金会支持的BC大学的众多外展项目.

If this instrument was used for data collection that was later used in any publications, posters or presentations etc., 请务必在声明中注明资助资助:“本[出版物/海报/报告]中报道的电子游戏正规平台得到了美国国家科学基金会重大电子游戏正规平台仪器(NSF- mri)计划的支持, under the award number CHE-2117246.”


Manufactured by Bruker Inc., AVANCE NEO 500 MHz光谱仪得到了美国国立卫生电子游戏正规平台院高端仪器(NIH-HEI S10)项目的资助. 本系统使用的探针是CryoProbe (He) BBFO 5mm BBF/1H X核优化5mm双共振BBFO(设计用于X核观测,1H去耦,反之亦然). The X nuclei range includes 19F, and the probe includes cooled preamplifiers for 1H, BBF and 2H. 这个高度敏感的系统主要用于支持美国国立卫生电子游戏正规平台院在BC大学支持的广泛电子游戏正规平台项目.

If this instrument was used for data collection that was later used in any publications, posters or presentations etc., 请确保通过引用以下声明来感谢美国国立卫生电子游戏正规平台院的支持:“本[出版物/演讲/海报]中报道的电子游戏正规平台得到了美国国立卫生电子游戏正规平台院HEI-S10计划的支持, under the award number 1S10OD026910-01A1.”


Manufactured by Varian NMR Inc. and including a 9.395 Tesla 54 mm bore Varian Premium Shielded long-hold magnet, the spectrometer is driven by a Dell OptiPlex 9010 computer running Linux Centos 6.10 and Agilent VJ 4.2 NMR software. The dual channel spectrometer is equipped with a z-axis Performa IV pulsed field gradient, direct-drive architecture, ProTune automated tune and match for high and low-band probe channels, and variable temperature control. The spectrometer has a 400 MHz1H-19F/15N-31P PFG AutoX DB NB probe.

来自Bruker Biospin公司的新型部门EMX-Plus EPR光谱仪配备了无冷冻剂VT系统,可以将样品冷却到低至4℃.5 K. 该仪器为电子游戏正规平台含铁或钴中心的高自旋金属配合物的电子游戏正规平台小组提供了至关重要的支持. Along with an ER 073 10” double-yoke magnet, 该系统具有霍尔场控制器和数字超高分辨率信号通道模块, an X-band, 固体低噪声微波桥和带光学窗口的高灵敏度探头,用于在x波段进行CW-EPR实验. The system runs on Xenon 1.1 acquisition software in a Linux environment, with WIN-EPR, WIM-SimFonia as well as the XSophe software package for the simulation of EPR spectra.


Manufactured by Bruker Inc., 这款ESR5000 x波段台式连续波EPR光谱仪配有一个温度控制单元,能够运行可变温度实验(使用气态液氮),温度范围从-180°C到200°C. This system is very helpful for acquiring simple EPR spectra, 以及在不可能在EMX-Plus系统上维持较冷或较热的稳定温度的特定情况下, which is cooled using helium gas.

Marek Domin

Thusitha Jayasundera, Ph.D.
Director, NMR Center

Dr. Jayasundera obtained his B.S. degree in Chemistry from UMass., followed by an M.S. and Ph.D. in Biophysical Chemistry from Yale University, as well as an M.B.A. from the Carroll School of Management at Boston College (BC). After completing two Postdoctoral Research Associate positions, the first at St. Jude Children’s Cancer Research Hospital and the next at Brown University, 他于2011年8月加入BC大学化学系,担任磁共振中心(MRC)助理主任, and took over the reigns as Director of the facility in 2016.

Dr. Jayasundera’s research training was focused on the multi-faceted field of protein NMR, including extensive dynamics and interaction studies between proteins and small molecules, as well as the three-dimensional structure determination of proteins using modern NMR methods. In addition to his duties at the MRC, he teaches two electives for the Chemistry Department (Principles and Applications of NMR in the Fall, and Magnetic Resonance in Biology in the Spring), as well as a course on Surviving Life with Humor for the University Capstone Program.

Magnetic Resonance Center
Thusitha Jayasundera, Ph.D.
Merkert 105A

Willy Ngendahimana

Thacien Ngendahimana, Ph.D.

Dr. Ngendahimana received his B.S in Chemistry from Oklahoma Christian University, an M.S in Analytical Chemistry at New Mexico State University and Ph.D. from The University of Denver. 他于2022年5月加入电子游戏软件化学系,担任磁共振中心助理主任. A native of Rwanda, Dr. Ngendahimana的电子游戏正规平台重点是通过连续波和脉冲电子顺磁共振波谱电子游戏正规平台氮氧化物自由基,将它们理解为潜在的蛋白质自旋标签,用于定点自旋标签. 他广泛电子游戏正规平台了氮氧化物自由基和其他各种自旋系统的电子自旋弛豫的温度依赖性,以了解电子自旋弛豫的知识如何指导改进的分子设计. Dr. Ngendahimana is also trained in other advanced pulse EPR techniques such as ESEEM, HYSCORE for nuclear frequency and spin interaction measurements, and DEER for distance measurements and structural conformation studies in proteins.

Magnetic Resonance Center
Thacien Ngendahimana, Ph.D.
Merkert 107