
New arrivals on campus cite University's formational mission as impetus for joining BC

Aaron Stump has more than a few reasons to be enthused about having joined the 电子游戏软件 faculty this past summer.

He welcomes the opportunity to work at a top-level research university that also has “a strong commitment to humanistic values through its Jesuit heritage,斯顿普解释道, 约翰·R. 和Pamela Egan计算机科学主席.

程序设计语言和计算逻辑的电子游戏正规平台者, Stump feels BC will be an ideal place to continue his work on software for computer-checked proofs, 不仅在数学和计算机科学方面,在神学方面也是如此.

Then there’s the Computer Science Department’s current conversation about what a doctoral program might look like. Stump believes this could help increase the department’s stature and visibility while also attracting strong young scholars “to contribute to our research mission.”

作为天主教徒, 树桩补充道, working at a university “that shares my values and faith commitments is a dream come true.”

Stump is one of the 79 new full-time faculty members at 电子游戏软件 this academic year, including 12 with tenure and 35 who are tenure-track—a cohort whose arrival comes only two years after BC had welcomed what was then a record 62 new full-time faculty.

每年新教员的注入通常反映了院校的人口结构, 大学和院系的优先事项, 教学和学术的最新趋势, 根据不列颠哥伦比亚省高级管理人员的说法,有时纯粹是偶然事件. 最终, these hires are a mutual expression of confidence by both parties: For the new faculty member, 不列颠哥伦比亚省将是一个蓬勃发展的氛围, 专业和个人, and fulfill one’s vocation; for BC, 新教员会领会的, 和欣赏, 耶稣会的元素, 天主教的遗产.

这句话已经传开了:我们的使命是形成教育, 帮助我们的学生成为更好的世界公民, 这显然与那些想加入我们的人产生了共鸣.

“当我们六年前重新获得认证时,副教务长比利·苏说, “the head of the review committee—Donna Shalala [a cabinet member in the Carter and Clinton administrations]—wrote in her summary that it was evident how well BC faculty understand the University’s mission. 这一直是电子游戏软件的一个重要特点, 而且这些年来只会变得更强.

“这句话已经传开了:我们的使命是形成教育, 帮助我们的学生成为更好的世界公民, 这显然与那些想加入我们的人产生了共鸣.”

Among the new additions to BC faculty are the first four full-time hires in Messina College, 哪个在去年夏天开业, 还有第五个人和计算机科学系有共同的工作. 经济系史无前例地迎来了六位新同事, 同时,五名新的终身教职教师加入了不列颠哥伦比亚省法学院, 成立四年的工程部又增加了三个, 在去年雇佣了四个人之后.

 每年春天, BC’s academic deans assess their respective school’s teaching needs—based on such factors as expected faculty retirements or departures and growth of specific majors—and share these with the Office of the Provost, which takes a holistic view using metrics like student credit hours to help determine how many new faculty a school can recruit. 搜索 committees are formed with current faculty members to identify and interview three finalists for each position.

当然,并非所有事情都能按计划进行,苏说. Prospective faculty candidates may turn down offers for various reasons: Perhaps they see more attractive opportunities in the private sector, 例如, 或者他们只是不喜欢新英格兰的气候.

“但今年, 我们在招聘新人方面非常成功, 比如经济学, 这是一个惊喜吗,他解释道. “And where a few years ago we saw a significant number of retirements or departures that were probably pandemic-influenced decisions, 在最近的周期中,这个数字下降了.

“你所能做的就是努力保持领先, but we feel very positive about the state of our faculty as we look toward the future.”


不列颠哥伦比亚省法学助理教授方燕, 康奈尔学院副教授Anna-Helena Klarare, carol School助理教授Angela Ma, and Egan Chair of Computer Science Aaron Stump are among a record 79 new full-time faculty members joining the University this academic year.

A major task for Soo and other academic administrators is to ensure that new faculty understand the nature of a Jesuit, Catholic university: Their orientation includes a talk by representatives from the University Mission and Ministry division on the role of cura personalis in the BC community.

“We want faculty to know one another, and to become familiar with the greater University,” he said. “对他们来说,重要的是要看到,这不仅仅是为学生准备的, 但是对于他们自己, 他们的幸福不仅仅是他们的工作.”


Carroll School of Management Assistant Professor Angela Ma said she was impressed by the strength and creativity of the school’s Seidner Department of Finance, 和公元前的耶稣会士一起去, 天主教的使命. 她将这里的环境描述为热情和“积极进取”.”

“我已经在不列颠哥伦比亚省体验到丰富的资源和支持,马说。, 谁的电子游戏正规平台兴趣是公司金融和金融中介. “Everything feels thoughtfully designed to empower my development as a researcher and teacher. 例如, I’m teaching undergraduate corporate finance this semester and drawing from the wealth of experience of other faculty. It’s rewarding to work with the undergraduate students who show up with great questions and to experience real-time resonance between teaching and research.”

Connell School of Nursing Associate Professor Anna-Helena Klarare was struck by “the University-wide vision of working for the common good and supporting students in reaching their goals” she saw at BC and a “longstanding tradition of excellence in nursing, 再加上对未来的远见和创新”. She believes the school is a perfect fit for her work in organizing health care—with nurses at the forefront—to meet needs of people experiencing vulnerabilities, 比如健康差距或危及生命的疾病.

“我找到了一个坚强的人, supportive community that believes in me and one that provides resources for me to be successful,克拉瑞说. “我就是喜欢这个思想者群体, 到目前为止,我参加了发人深省的研讨会和走廊讨论.”

不列颠哥伦比亚省法律, Assistant Professor Yan Fang said she saw a school committed to “helping junior faculty become the best versions of ourselves, 作为学者和教育家,” and felt strongly that joining its faculty would be a boon for research on how legal actors and institutions adjust to changes in their informational environments and the impact of those changes on enforcement systems.

“Having BC as my intellectual home will give me rich opportunities to engage with colleagues and students eager to explore the social and moral implications of technological change,牙牙说。.

Faculty photo credits: Yan Fang and Aaron Stump: Caitlin Cunningham; Anna-Helena Klarare and Angela Ma: Lee Pellegrini)